Fall Came, Then Went
October gave a party; The leaves by hundreds came – The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples, And leaves of every name. The Sunshine spread a carpet, And everything was grand, Miss Weather led the dancing, Professor Wind the band. George Cooper
My Coney Island Photo Essay is up @ Square Rootz
Please check it out In Focus: Coney Island | Square Rootz … official street beaters.

mobil Gas station in the rain
mobil Gas station in the rain #1 , originally uploaded by richlouis.

coney island @ dusk
coney island @ dusk, originally uploaded by richlouis.

This is a Thank You Photographer Post
Stella Magloire One of the first photographers I meet and befriended While it’s easy to worry only about yourself as an artist. Getting your “grind on.” I have been fortunate to meet so many of my peers who have taken the time out to give advice, hook me up with …

Marriage document
Marriage document, originally uploaded by richlouis. Kendra Field and Khary Jones’ Wedding On a related note: The Bed and Breakfast where they had their wedding ceremony is really nice . It’s called the Mount Merino Manor in Hudson, NY.

HDR Tinkering
bridge HDR test, originally uploaded by richlouis. So One of the photography-related things I’ve been doing in the past week –during my unemployment– is figuring out how to create HDR images. It’s a technique that isn’t new but has become a hobby of photographers who want show the many ranges …

Red Hook Last Year
Umm artists torture themselves, it seems, everyday. We get discouraged for part of the day but keep working on the things that we gave up on earlier or later in the day.