HDR Tinkering

bridge HDR test, originally uploaded by richlouis. So One of the photography-related things I’ve been doing in the past week –during my unemployment– is figuring out how to create HDR images. It’s a technique that isn’t new but has become a hobby of photographers who want show the many ranges …

Boycotting the 2008 Olympics

Boycotting the 2008 Olympics, originally uploaded by richlouis. Union Square was hella busy, a massive pillow fight, a fake viral campaign for a a character from the new Batman movie, and a Tibetan Protest.

Red Hook Last Year

Umm artists torture themselves, it seems, everyday. We get discouraged for part of the day but keep working on the things that we gave up on earlier or later in the day.

Day 9 of Unemployment

young jimmy of Sankofa, originally uploaded by richlouis. From the 99 cent show Che Grand gave his thanks  I have nothing much to report except I am waiting for my 35mm lens ot return to me after the focus ring locked on me — one more week.  I want a …

Day 8 of Unemployment

restlessness mixed with way too many thoughts swirling around in that head of mine made half my day productive. I fixed the drippy kitchen faucet (I think) and replaced the broken toilet handle. Then felt really unmotivated to do anything else except play a game at newgrounds then fell asleep. …

Day 7 of Unemployment

_MG_3078, originally uploaded by richlouis. the guy on the left is performing tomorrow along with a bunch of other artists who have graced my lens Well today wasn’t too productive aside from depositing a modest check into my checking account that i received yesterday from my recent Tanya Morgan work. …

Day 6 of Unemployment

Looks like I am confirmed but I won’t get my first payment until next week or so as the first week of unemployment is deemed the waiting week. That’s a bit frustrating but at least I have enough money to pay upcoming rent plus a little extra for usage as …


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