Video: Buckshot Opening for De La Soul
It was De La Soul’s NYC stop for their 20 Years High & Rising Tour and Buckshot was one of the acts opening for the trio.
It was De La Soul’s NYC stop for their 20 Years High & Rising Tour and Buckshot was one of the acts opening for the trio.
Fresh Daily and Print @ SOBS from Richard Louissaint on Vimeo. For Miz Metro’s album release
I got a chance to shoot a quick scene for Japanese band Sour’s latest video for “Hibi no neiro” Director: Masashi Kawamura + Hal Kirkland + Magico Nakamura + Masayoshi Nakamura
I checked out Miz Metro’s album release party at SOBS which featured my God brother who plays drums in her band The Makebelieves. Below is video I captured of the first song in her extensive set. Miz Metro and the Makebelieves Live from Richard Louissaint on Vimeo.
YouTube – Che Grand – Girls Talk.
P.CASSO- Best In Show feat. VonPea of Tanya Morgan and Homeboy Sandman from PCASSO on Vimeo. The highly anticipated masterpiece is finally here. Breakthrough artist P.CASSO and director SurealPhobia present “Best in Show.” Co staring Homeboy Sandman and VonPea of Tanya Morgan. Featuring cameos from the AOK Collelctive. It’s more like a movie than a video, really. P.CASSO- Best In Show feat. VonPea of Tanya Morgan and Homeboy Sandman from PCASSO on Vimeo.
“Best In Show” Trailer from PCASSO on Vimeo. P. Casso also released a new mixtape yesterday and had a party to view the video as well. Good times.
Colors like this is why i miss shooting with film. I only was present for one part of this three-part shoot but what I captured was real nice, not to mention the overcast Fall day. video:
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