Mocky – Fight Away the Tears featuring Feist
Mocky – Fight Away the Tears featuring Feist
Phonte of Little Brother performing at Canal Room, NYC, 2006 Buy Getback here
The Street Beat, originally uploaded by richlouis. When you get lulls in stuff to shoot. i think it’s good to take up random projects that come your way, just so your cameras aren’t sitting around. So i went out with some of the ladies of Square Rootz (“a lifestyle and …
west side manhattan in the 20s, originally uploaded by richlouis. west side Manhattan in the 20s taken in Oct. with my Canon A-1 camera
Uncle Dimitri, originally uploaded by richlouis. My family is huge on my father’s side. 10 siblings including my father and you get a lot of cousin plus second and third cousins that I have grown up with. This Uncle here has a very interesting and complicated history (which i won’t …
05070016, originally uploaded by richlouis. August 11th 2007
Bedstuy Block Party, originally uploaded by richlouis. More on this photo later
ANDREw DOSUNMU circa 2002, originally uploaded by richlouis. I have always liked this picture I took of Photography/filmmaker Andrew Dosunmu, who’s picture you word find next to word hustle. He’s a quick-moving slightly lanky, energetic Nigerian who I met through Photographer Marc Baptiste. He had already been shooting videos for …
Introducing Snap Shots from I just installed a nice little tool on this site called Snap Shots that enhances links with visual previews of the destination site, interactive excerpts of Wikipedia articles, MySpace profiles, IMDb profiles and Amazon products, display inline videos, RSS, MP3s, photos, stock charts and more. Sometimes Snap Shots bring you the information you need, without your having to leave the site, while other times it lets you “look ahead,” before deciding if you want to follow a link or not. Should you decide this is not for you, just click the Options icon in the …
It’s always great to shoot shows were the performers make it easy to get great shots. Good energy equals = dope shots Bad energy (standing still, etc.) = fighting hard to get good shots Heavy (above picture) is one of those groups that give good shows and have given some …
So there was an event called “Stills to Reels” featuring three photographers screening their short film work. It took place at Harriet’s Alter Ego in Brooklyn, NY, where a lot of artistic events seem to be taking place monthly.
_MG_1567, originally uploaded by richlouis. So I picked up my 8-year-old Goddaughter this past Saturday and brought her for a little experience in Brooklyn. What i didn’t anticipate was here picking my girlfriend’s phone and start taking pictures and then later on after seeing the BEE Movie (the reviews were …