And the Winner Is… posted in portrait And the Winner Is… by Richard 8 Sep ’09 3 comments Philly Cheesesteak eating contest at Brooklyn’s Five Spot [nggallery id=23] Share this:Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading... Related No related posts. Further reading Previous Next tagged with #philly cheesesteak #the five spot brooklyn
I’ve enjoyed your work until this point. You just made me barf. And don’t tell me they were drinking beer with they cheese steaks or is that soda. Either way seems like it’d cause gas and lessen their chances of winning. SMH
where the hell am I?
I’ve enjoyed your work until this point. You just made me barf. And don’t tell me they were drinking beer with they cheese steaks or is that soda. Either way seems like it’d cause gas and lessen their chances of winning.
this is awesome…and gross lol