Haiti the Last Few Days




The top of the mountain that we climbed. About a four hour trip up and down. Nothing worse then passing by a little girl and her grandmother who are walking the trail barefoot with no issues. I never would have thought the downhill would be tougher n me , but it was.

Ah no internet connection in St. Louis du Sud. So I all I’ve had is my company and the town to keep me occupied which was amazing.

Prosjekt Haiti leases a large piece of land from the local church in town, which is also Edwin’s childhood home.


It has a one of their schools and the community center where we slept and hung out.  And also a pool. STLOUISPETITTROLL_C06 STLOUISPETITTROLL_C07

20141208_171747 20141210_104729 20141210_104908Above,  students from Petit Troll in St Louis du Sud and one of the many goats on the land.


Below the private island where the ruins of Fort des Anglais are:


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Edwin prepping fresh lobsters, the dudes Phalax and Babang emerging talent from Haiti. Babang edited this video which shows me looking very exhausted after hiking up a mountain.

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Below: the mountain hike that nearly killed me:



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