The Haitian Creatives Series Website Has Launched

The documentary project that began in 2013 has it’s own home. Please look around and watch all the videos including the latest on caterer, chef and author Nadege Fleurimond.   The Haitian Creatives Series | The Haitian Creatives Series    

For the Love of Dance with Sarita Lou Episodes 1 -3

So somehow I forgot to post up the web series I spent most of last year shooting and editing along with Anderson Zaca, Sarita Lou and Nick Catalina. It’s my first longterm project working as a Director of Photography. Episodes have been going up every two weeks and this week was our episode on ballet and the Dance Theatre of Harlem. Below are all the episodes so far:

Haiti the Last Few Days

    Ah no internet connection in St. Louis du Sud. So I all I’ve had is my company and the town to keep me occupied which was amazing. Prosjekt Haiti leases a large piece of land from the local church in town, which is also Edwin’s childhood home. It …

HAITI: Haitian Time and the Killing of a Pig

Half of  Tuesday was spent in pursuit of a live pig. From the muddy outdoor market of Okai where walking through with a group that includes white Norwegians invokes a lot of whining especially when we came out empty handed. Accusations of being there to film etc. I’m still getting …

First and second DAY in Haiti.

Well that didn’t turn out so well. My original post got erased while I was trying to upload it. Today is a big youth arts festival that Prosjekt Haiti is a part of in Petionville. They are also who is hosting me and some others this week. Currently we are …


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